Meditation and Yoga


Thursday 5th September | 09.00-16.40 hrs.
Friday 6th September  | 09.00-18.00 hrs.
Saturday 7th September  | 09.00-18.00 hrs.

Room: Salon Pasteur

Registration fee: free of charge, available for all delegates

A meditation room will be available for use by all congress delegates, in Salon Pasteur. Dimmed lights and soft relaxing music will allow to reach inner peace and bliss, removing the thoughts from the everyday stressful situations. Yoga mats will be provided and available on first come first serve basis, please feel free to bring your own!


Thursday 5 September | 08.00-08.30 hrs.
Friday 6th September  | 08.00-08.30 hrs.
Saturday 7th September  | 08.00-08.30 hrs.

Room: Salon Pasteur

Registration fee: free of charge, available for all delegates, first come first serve

Yoga sessions, run by a qualified instructor, will run each morning in Salon Pasteur.

Start your day with yoga with Franca! Every morning, yoga teacher Franca Gijsbers will take on a yoga “journey” of half an hour. She’ll start with a short guided meditation depending on the theme of the lesson.  Then attention will be paid to gentle yoga postures (asanas) to relieve tension from the body and increase your concentration level. Franca will also give you tools to support yourself with breathing exercises. Be surprised! Feel welcome and register!
You can find more info about Franca Gijsbers @ 

Yoga mats will be provided and available on first come first serve basis, please feel free to bring your own!